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Gymnastics Quadruple Tabata

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*Spend 10 minutes working up to a challenging height.

Gymnastics Quadruple Tabata
Alternate between a Pushing motion, a Pulling motion, an Ab exercise and a Pistol (or variation) for 16 minutes.

Pushing Examples: Push-ups, Ring Dips, Burpees, Wall Walks and HSPU
Pulling Examples: Kipping Swings, Ring Rows, Pull-ups of any style, Toes to Bar, Knees to Elbow, and Muscle-ups
Abdominal Examples: Sit-ups, Hollow Holds, Hollow Rocks, V-ups and L-Sits
Pistol Variatons: Use boxes, bands and plates for assistance. Substitute lunges or Bulgarian split squats if preferred

Happy Planksgiving!
1 minute Front plank, 1 minute R side plank, 1 minute L side plank. Be creative!
*Rest as needed between minutes.

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