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Happy Leap Day!

 4 Min EMOM:
Each 30 seconds complete either 2 Muscle-ups or 4 Strict Pull-ups

10 Min AMRAP:
Buy-In: Row 500 meters
2 Deadlifts (225/155)
2 Lateral Burpee over bar
4 Deadlifts
4 Lateral Burpee over bar
*Keep adding 2 per round until time is up.

Endurance WOD

 Complete for Time in any order:
Row 2000 meters
200 Goblet Squats (50/35)
Run 1600 meters
160 Sit-ups
Jump 750 speed steps
75 Push-ups

Just Get Through It

Complete for Time, working on the odd minutes and resting on the even minutes:
50 Ring Dips
75 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
100 Push Press (95/65)
125 Back Squat (95/65)

Metcon Day

Complete for Time:
Run 2 Miles: run south on the Garrison St sidewalk to Alameda Pkwy and return to the gym
50 Burpees

10 Mins x 3

10 Min EMOM:
1 Squat Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Split Jerk
(75% of 1RM squat clean)

Rope Climb Practice for 10 minutes

10 Min AMRAP:
1 Legless Rope Climb (or 2 Regular or 3 Modified)
10 Box Jumps (24/20)
10 Plate Ground to Overhead (45/25)
20 Russian Twists (45/25)

A Devilish WOD

Complete 3 Rounds for Quality:
10 Barbell Good Mornings (95/65)
10 Barbell Lunges, in place on back rack
2 Turkish Get-ups, per arm (50/35)

Complete 6 Rounds for Time:
6 Kb Snatch, L arm
6 Kb Overhead Squat, L arm
6 Kb Swings
6 Kb Snatch, R arm
6 Kb Overhead Squat, R arm
6 Kb Swings
*Rx Kb weights = 50/35

Endurance WOD

20 Min AMRAP:
1 Rope Climb
5 Burpees
200m Run
*Wear a 20 lb vest if you have one.

*Rest 5 minutes

Complete 5 Rounds for Time:
200m Row
10 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)

Get to 100!

2 Bear Complex (95/65)
Ball Slams (30/20) to the end of the minute
*The WOD is complete when you have executed 100 ball slams.

Rep it Out

Dumbbell Bent-over Row
3 x 12

Complete 5 Rounds for Reps of:
1 Min of Deadlifts (185/135)
1 Min of Push-ups
1 Min of Knees to Elbows
1 Min of Double Unders
*Rest 1 minute

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